I forgot to put this here! Why did I forget to put this here? Aaaaah! Yeah, okay, you can sort of expect me to upload outfit pics from ages ago now and then for all eternity, because I tend to forget about uploading when they're new.
Yeah, I know. "Hello, slow updater!" I had a busy week. I always have busy weeks. Anyhow, last Saturday I went to a vintage fair with my dear friend Agnes, who unfortunatly dislikes to have her picture taken.
This is what I looked like then:
I found absolutely nothing to buy, unfortunatly. Except for things that costed like 2000 SEK and I can't really afford that right now. Afterwards, we went to Petite France and I ate the prettiest little macaron thingy I've ever seen.
On Sunday there was a lovely picnic with some lovely girls: